Orchestra Exchange from Firbank Grammar School and Brighton Grammar School from Melbourne, Australia

An encore performance from Firbank Grammar School and Brighton Grammar School from Melbourne, who visited our school three years ago, was conducted on 29th March 2018. An orchestra comprising of 42 students and 5 staff members from the two schools visited our school again and performed a series of beautiful music pieces to our teaching staff and students.

It was a jovial afternoon for us when we gathered in the hall to listen to the captivating music performed by the orchestra. Our Principal, Mr. Kong, welcomed our guests and presented souvenirs to the teacher representatives before the performance started. The orchestra began with an uplifting piece ‘Star War’ to warm up the exuberant audience. After that, there was a series of enthralling music pieces performed. Some members performed solos while playing different musical instruments. The members of the orchestra not only introduced their schools and Australian culture to us, the conductor, Mr. Simon Marsden also taught us some colloquial phrases people use in Australia. Coincidentally, it was Mr. Marsden’s birthday that day, so the whole school sang a birthday song to him, making the occasion reach its climax. Finally, our student, James Yeung from 5B was invited to be the conductor for an orchestral piece, ‘Waltzing Matilda’. It brought a flush of excitement to the whole school. James was given a baton as an encouragement from Mr. Marsden.

The performance ended joyfully with a big round of applause given to the orchestra. The members and teachers of the orchestra stayed for refreshments after the performance while our students had a chance to converse with them and get to know more about their school life and culture. They have become friends after the gathering. Katie Tang from 3A demonstrated how to play a Chinese traditional musical instrument, dizi, to our guests and they were all amazed by her wonderful skills and the enchantment of the instrument. Our Australian guests were also impressed by the local snacks.

The whole programme was interactive and light-hearted yet educational. Our students have truly enjoyed it, and have been touched and inspired by the hard work and passion for music of the orchestra members. We are looking forward to having more cultural exchange programmes to be held in the future.


Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.