CLSMSS 45th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Day

45th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Day

The 45th Anniversary Alumni Homecoming Day was held on 18th May 2024 in celebration of the school’s 45th anniversary. On this day, Alumni Association Chairman Mr. LEE Ming-tak, Create, and Alumni Member of the School Management Committee Mr. TSANG Yiu-cho attended the event. Many alumni also brought their families to join the celebration.

During the Opening Ceremony, Principal WOO delivered a speech, noting that while 45 years is a long period for an individual, it is just a part of the growth for a school. The school needs time to establish and develop, and over the past 45 years, the school has nurtured countless outstanding students. Principal WOO expressed her gratitude for the continuous support from the alumni. She specifically mentioned the alumni's contributions, such as donating funds for the construction of the mosaic wall outside the School History Gallery and returning to the school to provide career information to younger students. These contributions are deeply appreciated. Following the speech, our students presented a splendid musical instrument performance, earning rounds of applause.

After the Opening Ceremony, many alumni participated in a guided tour of the School History Gallery, where they viewed numerous exhibits of historical significance to the school. Meanwhile, both former and current students engaged in badminton, volleyball, and basketball activities at school, creating a lively and harmonious atmosphere.


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