English The Annual Speech Day 2020 was successfully held on 28 November 2020. This year we were honoured to have Mr. Gary WONG Sui-keung, a distinguished alumnus, to be our Guest of Honour. Mr. WONG joined our school in 1979 and graduated in 1986, the very first batch of S7 graduates. Not only is Mr. WONG a successful specialist and a devoted lecturer in the law sector, he is also a passionate individual who nurtures the young generation in different ways. He serves his alma mater and the community wholeheartedly. He has been actively participating in the activities organised by the CLSMSS Alumni Association Ltd. since 2015 and is now serving the School Management Committee as an Alumni Member. An outstanding person who contributes himself in different domains in society, Mr. WONG is a Ving Tsun Master as well as a music enthusiast. At present, Mr. WONG serves as a Mentor of Commission of Poverty of HKSAR in his spare time. We are genuinely honoured to have a selfless alumnus like Mr. WONG.
Our Principal, Ms. LEE Siu-yuk Hilda, reported on the school’s achievements in the past year. In the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination 2020, our students achieved remarkable results with an overall passing percentage of 96.5% with 55.9% attaining Level 4 or above in all subjects. 76.2% of our students met the minimum entrance requirements for degree programmes. Among all graduates, CHONG Kai-wo of 6A achieved the best HKDSE results in our school’s history. Ms. LEE also highlighted students’ all-round development and the accolades they attained in various disciplines including sports, performing arts, reading, STEM education, community services, etc. Finally, Ms. LEE expressed her heartfelt gratitude to the SMC members, the PTA, the Alumni Association, and all staff members for their support and contribution to the school.
Our Guest of Honour, Mr. WONG, presented prizes and certificates to the graduates. He also delivered a rousing speech that stressed the importance of having positive attitudes, perseverance and aiming high. Mr. WONG eloquently reminded our graduates - ‘attitude determines one’s altitude’ – persevering in the face of adversity, staying calm in the midst of chaos, and working hard when progress seems slow. These are some of the founding characteristics of successful individuals.
Anna LAM Yat-long of 6D, a student representative, delivered a vote of thanks to the school on behalf of all graduates. The next highlight of the ceremony was the performance part. Although the performances had been scaled down because of the COVID-19 pandemic this year, students’ efforts in preparing for their performances had not been slack. The English Verse Speaking and music performances given by our students were sound proof of that. The performances marked not only the end of the ceremony, but also that of an important stage of the graduates. The memories of years past, friendship, hard work, tears and laughter came rushing back with the sound of the music, and the graduates shared final embraces as they take on new challenges in the years ahead.
Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.
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