Other Learning Experiences Day (OLE Day)

To enrich students’ learning and provide a fun and interactive experiential journey beyond classroom settings for them, various activities were arranged and successfully conducted during the Other Learning Experiences Day on 8 June 2022. S.1-S.4 students joined 2 sessions of different types of activities in school while S.5 students participated in the Community Service Learning Programme to serve the target groups in need.

To foster students’ positive attitude and mindset, S.1 students attended the Positive Mentality Workshop「打造正能量工作坊-堅毅積極,逆境自強」led by social workers. They also joined the STEM Education - Drone Workshop 「STEM教育活動-航拍機工作坊」 covering basic principles and skills in operating and documenting the drone programme. Students’ interest in this newly emerged technology has been developed through this activity.

Through the Cultural Harmony Handicrafts Workshop 「文化共融手工藝工作坊」, S.2 students had a full glimpse of the uniqueness of different cultures and widened their scope of life through practicing arts and crafts in the workshop. Students participated in the STEM Education Activity – Virtual Reality Experience Workshop 「STEM教育活動-虛擬實境體驗」 in the second session. It was truly a fun and enjoyable learning experience for our students to learn through virtual reality games.

To enrich students’ practical knowledge of technology and engineering outside the classroom setting, S3 students joined the STEM Education Activity – Robomaster Experience Workshop「STEM教育活動-機甲大師體驗」in the first session to learn about knowledge on basic mechanisms and skills in operating a robomaster. Through the second session of the Design Thinking Workshop「設計思維工作坊」, students’ creativity has been enhanced and their career-related experience has been enriched by involving in wider and strategic use of design and design thinking to create business value, improve societal well-being and transform their mindset about entrepreneurship and the start-up industry.

STEM Education Activity – Robomaster Experience Workshop「STEM教育活動-機甲大師體驗」, Forensic Science & Molecular Gastronomy Workshop 「STEM教育活動-科學鑑證」及「分子料理工作坊」were organized for S.4 students. The activity has brought students new and innovative experience in operating a Robomaster , exploring forensic science and the food industry.

To cultivate students’ social awareness for the underprivileged, S.5 students participated in the Community Service Learning Programme. Each group of S.5 students designed and made a board game for the underprivileged children. They also learned about videotaping and editing skills in a workshop to produce a video clip to teach the target groups of children how to play the game.


Please visit the CLSMSS Photo Gallery for more photos.